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Connect With Your Film's Sub-Niche Fan.


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Primary Sub-Niches We Target.



A niche market is a segment of a larger market that can be defined by its own unique needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different from the market at large. The market at large is “movies," and the niche market is “independent films.”  A niche market may become so large that it may seem that it is part of a mainstream group when actuality it is still a niche. It can then be divided into smaller groups of individuals within the niche itself, called a sub-niche. For example, the niche market is "Independent Films," and the sub-niche market is “Documentary Films.”

Indie Films Need to Target Their Appropriate Sub-Niche. 

Hollywood is great at promoting mainstream movies to a mainstream audience, but their business-to-consumer mass marketing approach is broadly ineffective in reaching the independent film market. Independent films usually do not cover mainstream subject matter. Indie films are nuanced and untraditional. Many come from small niche genres. These films need to be promoted directly to their appropriate sub-niche.

When we promote a movie, we target each film’s sub-niche fans on social media.  These are the folks that are most likely to pay to view the film.  We primarily engage each movie’s sub-niche on Instagram. Why?  


Instagram is an image-based platform and is ideal for promoting movie posters, stills, and trailers. And most of the independent film community resides on Instagram. Instagram’s analytics are the most cost-effective place to acquire sub-niche populations. When we engage each movie’s sub-niche (horror for example), we invite this community to our flagship Instagram page (@opprimetv) and our Instagram sub-niche page (@opprimetv_horror) which corresponds to their genre of interest.


Sub-Niches We Target:


  1. Hyper-Connected Cinephiles – This population frequents independent film websites and social media.  

  2. Industry People – These cinephiles work in the film industry or a similar domain. They keep up with the latest on their favorite film festivals and directors.  

  3. Black Filmmakers.

  4. Female Filmmakers.

  5. Horror & Thriller genre.

  6. Small Independent Film Businesses – Production companies and film festivals.  

  7. Documentary genre.

  8. LGBTQ genre.

  9. Animation genre.

  10. Arthouse Cinephiles.

  11. Change the World – These fans watch politically focused documentaries and look for films to raise awareness about injustice, financial and political problems, lack of diversity, or corruption in government.

The Horror Sub-Niche.

The Animation Sub-Niche.

The Documentary Sub-Niche.

Social Media Platforms Alone Are Inadequate to Target Sub-Niche. 

Instagram’s analytics is the most cost-effective place to acquire followers, but the advertising targeting options on Facebook Business Manager are slightly better. You can target independent film audiences on Facebook Business Manager through the “Interests” targeting feature. Unfortunately, Facebook, like all the other social media platforms, is still inadequate.


To check its ineffectiveness, go to Facebook and select the strongest tags associated with independent films. There are not many, but we have selected the best – Independent Film, Filmmaking, Cinematography, and Film Editing. While Cannes, Sundance, and Venice are not independent film festivals (they are Hollywood film festivals), they are the only secondary options that Facebook can provide.  

1. Cinematography, Film Editing, Filmmaking, and Independent Film – are general categories that do not effectively connect with independent film fans. 

  • 40% of the posts are Hollywood-centric posts.

  • 30% of the posts are technical filmmaker and cinematographer posts for both Hollywood and independent filmmakers.

  • 30% of the posts are unrelated to independent films or their fans.

2. As previously stated, Cannes Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, and Venice Film Festival are exclusively Hollywood festivals promoting their movies, and A-list celebrity entertainment news.

3. The category to connect with the independent film community is the Film Festival category. Most of these posts are from independent film festivals.

Enter "Film Festival" for detailed targeting, and Facebook feeds us Cannes, Sundance, Venice, Tribeca, Toronto, Et al. These are Hollywood festivals promoting multi-million dollar movies, and A-list celebrity entertainment news.

The Facebook Business Manager is completely impotent when it comes to sophisticated targeting of sub-niche populations of the independent film community, like female filmmakers, black filmmakers, etc. Enter Female Filmmaker for detailed targeting, and Facebook feeds us nothing. 

Using Film Festivals to Target Sub-Niche Independent Film Audiences.


The best way to target and engage the sub-niche populations of the independent film community is to meet them at the festival of their preferred genre.  If you want to connect with horror film fans, go to a horror film festival.  If you want to meet a fan of slasher movies, go to a slasher film festival.  Yes, they exist!  The independent film festival industry is developing quickly to satisfy the variations of the movie genres that fans want to see.

The Hashtag Strategy For the Independent Filmmaker.


A hashtag is like a virtual social media community of people that identify and frequently post to said hashtag. They are a place where you can identify and connect with its members. These folks police their hashtag to ensure it is used with relevance. If there are no identifiable women in your post and you use the #WomenInFilm hashtag, members of that community will email your complaints. Our marketing strategy is to be identifiable and relevant in the communities of independent film-centric hashtags. Over time, our goal is to post and interact with its members so that they recognize us as fellow members.   


How to Create a Set of Hashtags:


Making up your own hashtags is not advisable. There is no community connected to it unless you painstakingly create one. Instagram allows you to use thirty hashtags. Research each hashtag’s population and size. 


  • Select five hashtags with a population of 500K to 1 million posts.

  • Select ten to fifteen hashtags with a population of 10K to 500K

  • Select three to five hashtags with smaller populations but that have a sub-niche population with specific relevance to your film.


Our Filmmaker Hashtag Set:


#film #films #movie #movies #filmfestival #filmfestivals #festival #festivals #filmfest #shortfilm #shortfilms #filmmaker #filming #filmmakers #filmmaking #director #directors #indiefilm #indiefilms #indiemovie #SupportIndieFilm #indiefilmmaking #indiefilmmaker #featurefilm #documentary #independentfilmfestival #independentfilm #virtualfilmfestival #shortfilmfest #peliculas


Our Cinematographer Hashtag Set: 


#cinema #cinematographer #cinematography #screenwriter #peliculas #filmphotography #independentfilm #independentfilmmaking #independentfilmmaker #Setlife #FilmProducer #PostProduction #vfxartist #shotonred #DoP #dp #filmlife #onset #lighting #cameras #preproduction #productionlife #reddigitalcinema #stillframes #PostProduction #vfxbreakdown #visualeffects #cgi 


Our Female Filmmaker Hashtag Set:  


#womeninfilm #womeninfilms #femalefilmmaker #femalefilmmakers #femalefilmmakerfriday #womenfilmmaker #womenfilmmakers #directedbywoman #directedbywomen #femaledirector #femaledirectors #femalewriter #femalewriters #actress #actresslife #womendirected #womenfilmmaking #femalewriter #womenwriter #womenwriters #femalenarrative #femaleproducer #femalestories #femaleempowerment #womenempowerment #filmmaker #womenofhorror #womeninhorror


Our Horror Hashtag Set:


#scary #scarymovie #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilmmaker #horrorjunkie #horroraddict #horrorfilm #horrorfanatic #gore #horrorfilms #creepy #horrorlover #scarymovie #gothic #slasher #dark #evil #darkness #filmfestival #horrorfilmfestival #horrorfest #horrorfestival #filmmaker #cinematography #opprimetv #indiehorror #indiehorrorfilm #indiehorrorcinema #womenofhorror #womeninhorror


Our Black Filmmaker Hashtag Set:


#blackfilm #blackfilms #blackfilmmakers #blackcinema #blackmovie #blackmovies #blackactor #blackexcellence #blackgirlmagic #blackactress #blackfilmfestival #blackfilmdirector #blackwomeninfilm #blackownedbusiness #blackart #blackartist #blackartmatters #cinematographer #cinematography #filmfestival #festival #filmfest #blackartistsmatter #indiemovie #supportindiefilm #dop #dp

For Your Filmmaking, Could You Use Extra Money Per Month? is the only platform with the power to increase the profit for independent filmmakers. Let us prove it to you!


Go to our video-on-demand platform that streams award-winning independent films at


  1. Click "Join.”

  2. Create your filmmaker dashboard.

  3. Click the "Filmmaker Button”.

  4. Upload your movie to

  5. Once your film is approved, you are on your way to earning extra money. - We Honor the Independent Filmmaker.

We believe that there are stories that must be told. We believe that people with creativity, passion, and the ability to overcome adversity, must use their gift of storytelling to change the world.  We honor the Independent Filmmaker.

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