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Instagram Marketing & Low-Cost Paid Ads


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To Reach Your Film's Niche, You May Need to

Pay for Marketing. 


Twelve years ago, it was easy to gain followers on social media. These social media companies were new. They were operating at an acceptable loss to the owners, and the analytics were programmed to allow you to connect with new people for free. Today, the filmmaker, or small production companies, may only experience a growth in followers by using paid ads. The free ride is over. Ultimately you may need to pay for marketing, and Instagram, from our experience, may be your best and most cost-effective financial choice. 


How to Increase Your Reach of Followers.


Sal Framondi, the CEO/Founder of, has extensive experience in direct-mail marketing. The practice of A/B testing in the direct-mail industry correlates perfectly with Instagram marketing and paid ads. A/B testing is gauging the performance of two or more versions of the same ad copy with slightly different advertising variants. Through years of experimentation, we have deconstructed the behavior of Instagram analytics and developed a more effective methodology for using Instagram Paid Ads. By using this methodology, today we garner 50% more followers on Instagram than when we first began, for 50% less money. 


Instagram's “Saved” Statistic Quantifies the Quality of Your Post.


Instagram's “Saved” is a handy feature that allows end users of Instagram to save posts that they like to their private collections. People only save posts that appeal to and are meaningful to them. If your post is saved in large numbers, by definition, it is meaningful and successful from a marketing perspective. Thus, the Saved statistic actually quantifies the quality of your post. We believe the Saved statistic is the most important statistic on which to base the effectiveness of your post.

Understanding “Reach," "Impressions" & the "Reach Ceiling."


While the Saved statistic quantifies how meaningful the post is to your audience, your Reach statistic represents the first time your post is seen by either a current Instagram follower of your page or a person that does not follow your page.


  • Instagram analytics determines the power of your page based on the number of interactions that other Instagram users have with your posts. The greater the number of interactions - Reach & Impressions (Impressions - see below) - the more powerful your Instagram page becomes.

  • The Reach is not the same for every Instagram page. The more powerful page receives a greater numerical Reach per post than the less powerful page.

  • Maximizing your Reach and building the power of your Instagram page is why it is essential to begin building your followers to maximize the effectiveness of paid Instagram Ads. 


Impressions are the number of times your content, whether a post or a story, was shown to users. While commonly confused with Reach, Impressions are the total number of times your content could have been seen.

"Reach Ceiling"


By the second day of the life of your post, Instagram stops giving your post Reach. You still will continue to receive Impressions over the normal lifecycle of the post. The “Reach Ceiling,” is the point in time when Instagram analytics stops giving you Reach and all you will receive are Impressions. The Reach Ceiling is fixed by Instagram analytics at the 48-hour mark regardless of the Instagram page, and how much money you spent to boost your post by paying for Instagram ads. 


Maximizing the Reach Using Instagram Paid Ads 


We boosted a post using Instagram Paid Ads for $50.00 and got a Reach of “x.”  By accident, we boosted that same identical post – on the same Instagram page – for $5.00 and we got the same number of Reach as “x.” Through this discovery, we designed our methodology of using Instagram Paid Ads to maximize the Reach of our paid ads to engage with people we have never met before. 

Using "Instagram Insights" on your Instagram page, you are able to track the performance of the posting and any boost of your post in order to learn how Reach works for your page and Ad in Instagram analytics. 


Maximizing the Reach of Your Initial Post.

  1. Post your initial ad for free - you are going to receive your natural amount of Reach based on Instagram Insights.  Then wait 48 hours until your post hits what we have called the Reach Ceiling before boosting your post with Instagram Paid Ads. 

  2. Then at the 48th hour, boost your posts using Instagram Paid Ads by $5.00 and set the duration of the boost for 1 day. 

  3. You can then boost your posting every day without waiting for 48 hours since the 48 hours only applies to the initial post.  

Maximizing the Reach of Previous Posts.

  1. Review the Saves of your posts and only boost the posts with Instagram Paid Ads that have the highest number of Saves.

  2. To get more Reach, continue boosting posts with the highest number of Saves, in $5.00 increments, and by setting the boost duration for 1 day.   

  3. You can re-boost any previous post (with the highest number of Saves) as often as you want.  We recommend it. 

  4. As soon as you see the Saved number diminishing, that is the time to stop boosting that post and move on to a new post with a high Saved number.

How to Improve Your Instagram Posts by Creating Compelling Content.


Our Instagram strategy is to grow our audience and maximize the engagement of the content we post.

To do this, we need to:  


1. Create compelling content.

2. Work towards a goal of a follower base that is 100% of your market niche – independent films and their fans.  

The Skeleton of Your Marketing Copy. 

The skeleton of great marketing copy consists of the tagline and the artwork.    

1. The Tagline:

The tagline must grab the reader’s attention immediately and be catchy, and the message must be short and precise. The format and font must make the message pop and be easy to read and understandable. When the font alignment on the copy is symmetrical, it becomes more pleasing to the eye.


The best taglines are catchy. It is impossible to always come up with a memorable tagline, but a well-crafted association between the tagline and a  picture makes the mediocre tagline memorable.

There is no requirement to have a sub-tagline unless you need to give the already engaged reader additional information. It’s not the purpose of the sub-tagline to grab the reader’s attention, that’s the job of the tagline. So, the sub-tagline should be small. Choose a bold font with colors that pop to help it stand out.


The greatest hazard in creating marketing copy is the separation between the tagline and the image. Adding text directly to an image almost always does not work.  Elegant management of the competition between the tagline and the image for the eye’s attention is required. Layer the text of your tagline on a solid element. Match the color of the element with the dominant colors in the photo. That creates harmony and readability between the tagline and the artwork.


2. The Photo or Artwork:


My father always told me that Ava Garner was more beautiful than Marilyn Monroe. But when you put pictures of them side by side, Marilyn always pops from the page. It is difficult to find an image that pops, but that must be your aspiration. Where there is great competition between images on the Instagram canvas is great, it is better to have a picture that pops than a beautiful picture.

100% Followers from our Market Niche.


In the world of Instagram, there are hundreds of millions of posts that go live every day. You may choose to look at a post, but Instagram analytics had to create a buffet of posts for you to choose from derived from these hundreds of millions of posts. The mix they offer you is derived from your follower population.  If your followers are horror movie fans, you will be fed posts from those fans.  The analytics will also introduce you to new followers who also have a passion for horror movies.  We recommend the follower base of your business's Instagram page mirror your target market niche.   


On our business Instagram page @opprimetv, we do not want to create populations of unrelated and random people within our follower group that have no interest or desire to engage or respond to our content. In the world of Instagram Paid Ads, if Instagram analytics sees that 75% of your followers are from the independent film community, and 25% of your followers are unrelated, Instagram assumes this is the mix you want, and the followers you receive will reflect this ratio. That means 25% of your marketing dollars will be spent on followers that are completely unrelated to your market niche, so you have wasted 25% of your marketing dollars.


Why You Should Not Buy Followers for Instagram

Some people go to websites and purchase any number of followers for their Instagram page from companies not associated with Instagram. Buying followers or acquiring followers that are not a part of your target market niche is bad for your Instagram page because it will not promote your business. People that buy followers think they get some benefit from the increased number in their follower count. When you buy followers, you almost never get people from your target market niche. You get random people that were motivated by the seller to follow you, because of a promotion the seller offered them.  When you buy followers, you also get large populations of bots or inactive accounts. Bots are bad because there is not a live person behind the Instagram page to engage your posts. In short, a random follower usually has no interest in responding, commenting, or interacting with your posts, and, the bot is a “dead” account that cannot respond. Therefore, do not purchase followers for your Instagram page! 

Filmmaker, Get Paid for Your Hard Work. Start Making

Money from Your Films! is the only platform with the power to increase the profit for independent filmmakers. Let us prove it to you!


Go to our video-on-demand platform that streams award-winning independent films at


  1. Click "Join.”

  2. Create your filmmaker dashboard.

  3. Click the "Filmmaker Button”.

  4. Upload your movie to

  5. Once your film is approved, you are on your way to earning extra money. - We Honor the Independent Filmmaker.

We believe that there are stories that must be told. We believe that people with creativity, passion, and the ability to overcome adversity, must use their gift of storytelling to change the world.  We honor the Independent Filmmaker.

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