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Make Money from a
Simple Social Media Post


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"I produced a 12-minute short documentary called "Terrorism Persists." and I started promoting my film on our respective Twitter pages with the Referral Link prominently located on the post. After that, I didn't think anything of it.


I was shocked!  After the first month, the commission payment PayPal'ed to me was $22.50.  In the first month, the Twitter posts enticed a combined 10 people to click on the Referral Link to subscribe and see my film. In month #2, I became more aggressive on social media. A year from that date, my film attracted an average of 20 subscribers per month, and I made $540.00."  

-- Emmett Haydell, Documentary Filmmaker. 

How Our Platform Works for You: 

The platform lets you, the filmmaker, create a secure and private dashboard to upload your films and manage your content. Each film has its own film page, and the platform assigns each movie its own unique Referral Link. 


The Referral Link is our one-of-a-kind technology that gives you, the filmmaker, the power to crowd-fund directly from your social media followers.  

Emmett Haydell's Social Media Post for Terrorism Persists on Twitter.

Above is the unique Referral Link for Emmett Haydell's film, "Terrorism Persists." Clicking the Referral Link opens our payment gateway. Your fans can subscribe using MC, Visa, Discover, and Amex to watch your movie. But more than just your movie, your fans can access and watch our entire library of award-winning independent films for just $5.00 per month. Your commission royalty splits are paid to you, the filmmaker, directly via PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App.

Commissions You - The Filmmaker - Earn Per Referral Link Transaction.


The subscriber pays $5.00 per month. The commission royalty splits are: 

  • $2.25 for you - the filmmaker

  • $2.25 for

  • .50¢ for processing the payment

Simple & Amazing – How the Math Works!

The monthly subscription is $5.00. After month #2, Emmett Haydell's posts on Twitter attracted an average of 20 people - friends, family, cast, crew, and fans. They responded to the strong call to action in Emmett's posts.  They clicked on the Referral Link and subscribed to Emmett's subscribed fans enjoyed the programming and maintained their subscription for longer than a year. 

  • From Months #2 - #13, Emmett averaged 20 new subscribers through his social media posts per month X $5.00 (monthly subscription fee) = $100.00 per month gross income.

  • 20 subscribers X $2.25 (Emmett's split per transaction) = $45.00 (Emmett earns per month).

  • earns $2.25 per transaction/month = $45.00 per month

  • The payment processor charges .50¢ for processing the payment per transaction. 

In Months #2 - #13, Emmett earned $540.00 ($45.00 per month X 12 Months) from "Terrorism Persists," his 12-minute short documentary."

Note: The income earned from Terrorism Persists,” will be summed up with the income generated from all other films uploaded by Emmett Haydell to In addition, this income generated by subscriptions reached by his social media posts, will be added to the income from subscribers reached through Haydell’s email campaigns.

Referral Link Royalties Are Paid Throughout the Life of the Subscription.


Both parties can terminate this relationship at any time for any reason. In the case of the Referral Link, even if the film is deleted from the platform or the relationship is terminated between the parties, the commissions from that Referral Link continue to be paid to the filmmaker throughout the life of each subscription. When the subscriber cancels their membership with, the commission for that subscriber ends.

Filmmaker, Start Earning What You Deserve & Start Getting Paid for Your Films! is the only platform with the power to increase the profit for independent filmmakers. Let us prove it to you!


Go to our video-on-demand platform that streams award-winning independent films at


  1. Click "Join.”

  2. Create your filmmaker dashboard.

  3. Click the "Filmmaker Button”.

  4. Upload your movie to

  5. Once your film is approved, you are on your way to earning extra money. - We Honor the Independent Filmmaker.

We believe that there are stories that must be told. We believe that people with creativity, passion, and the ability to overcome adversity, must use their gift of storytelling to change the world.  We honor the Independent Filmmaker.

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