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What We Do for the Filmmaker.

Our Video-on-Demand Platform Streams Award-Winning Independent Films from the Best Filmmakers Worldwide. is a dedicated streaming video-on-demand platform at that focuses on showcasing award-winning independent films.


Offering the Filmmakers Insights into the Independent Film Industry.

Through this filmmaker resource page and our OPPRIMEtv_VOD on YouTube, our objective is to empower independent filmmakers with comprehensive insights into the workings of the independent film industry.

  • We aim to equip them with a deep understanding of the industry's business model, enabling them to effectively monetize their creative endeavors.

  • We help independent filmmakers gain knowledge to successfully promote and launch their independent films.

  • Additionally, we will provide insights into the most suitable distribution strategies, helping filmmakers choose between traditional Hollywood distribution and the increasingly popular video-on-demand streaming distribution model for their projects.

Our Services to the Filmmaker

1. Monetizing Your Film:


Our groundbreaking technology is the Referral Link, which enables filmmakers to monetize their films and engage with their fanbase. This Referral Link serves as a mobile point-of-sale payment system, allowing filmmakers to directly market their films to their fans, including friends, family, cast, crew, and artistic supporters. By sharing the Referral Link via email, social media, Instagram bios, or webpages, fans can support their favorite filmmakers by subscribing to

By subscribing to through the Referral Link, passionate independent film fans can directly support their favorite award-winning filmmakers. Our monthly subscription fee is $5, with 50% of the fee allocated to a specific filmmaker chosen by the subscriber. The remaining 50% goes towards the growth and maintenance of, enabling us to make a diverse range of award-winning independent films accessible to viewers worldwide.

Unlike conventional online payment solutions, Referral Link establishes a direct connection between the filmmaker and their fans' subscriptions. This allows us to pay the filmmaker’s monthly royalties based on referrals throughout the entire subscription period. Filmmakers are motivated to attract more subscribers, while fans are incentivized to continue their monthly subscriptions as they gain access to our expanding library of new award-winning films.

2. Elevate Your Film's Success with Social Media & Email Marketing:

Social Media Marketing:  


​We create captivating social media content, specifically tailored for Instagram. Share your existing marketing materials with us, and we will expertly format them for optimal impact. If time is a constraint, rest assured, we'll curate compelling movie posters and headshots online, developing comprehensive movie marketing and filmmaker brand campaigns for your approval. Once finalized, we'll leverage our influential social media presence (50K followers), spanning Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, to promote your film and enhance its visibility to a wider audience.

Email Marketing:


We are the sole video-on-demand streaming platform that leverages the power of email marketing for film promotion. Email marketing provides us with complete control over fan communication, enabling deeper and more meaningful interactions with your audience. This environment allows for a more thoughtful and engaging presentation. We enhance your film's visibility by utilizing Constant Contact to craft compelling email campaigns, reaching out to our ever-expanding community of 20,000 independent film enthusiasts. creates custom Constant Contact email templates like this one for filmmakers, sent to our growing 24K Indie film enthusiast email list. Our Wix-optimized SEO strategy ensures effective audience engagement.

3. Unlocking Opportunities: Connecting Filmmakers with Industry Professionals Across the Spectrum.

We facilitate exposure and discoverability by connecting you with a diverse range of industry professionals. Our extensive email list includes executives of production companies, directors, cinematographers, agents, managers, casting directors, and their assistants, irrespective of their organization's size or the employee's rank.

4. Global Reach for Independent Films: Connecting Filmmakers with Distribution Professionals Worldwide.

For distribution partners, operates as an independent film clearinghouse connecting filmmakers and distributors worldwide. ​Send us a trailer or filmmaker reel, and we will introduce it in our weekly email to 2K distribution professionals in New York, Los Angeles, and worldwide.

Let us assist you in reaching your audience and maximizing your film's potential at no cost to you – the filmmaker. - We Honor the Independent Filmmaker.

We believe that there are stories that must be told. We believe that people with creativity, passion, and the ability to overcome adversity, must use their gift of storytelling to change the world.  We honor the Independent Filmmaker.

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