The Hollywood Business Model vs. Independent Film Business Model
The Hollywood Business Model and the Independent Film Business Model represent two distinct economies. In the Independent Film Business Model, Video-on-Demand (VOD) platforms dedicated to streaming independent films struggle to generate adequate revenue. These platforms often lack the funds necessary for marketing initiatives, making it difficult to attract subscribers and adequately compensate filmmakers.
Contrary to popular belief, Hollywood is not confined to Los Angeles or New York. Filmmakers worldwide, from the UK to India, can have their films purchased for broadcast. Breaking into the Hollywood Business Model involves receiving upfront payment for film rights, with distributors like Warner Bros, Sony Pictures, and Netflix handling payments, marketing, and exclusivity.
For those outside Hollywood, independent film VOD platforms remain the only viable option. Here, filmmakers are compensated based on the time watched. However, these platforms often lack the financial resources for effective marketing and subscriber acquisition. The Pool Payment Model, where compensation is tied to "minutes viewed," further complicates this, as independent film VODs struggle to create the critical mass needed to attract a sustainable subscriber base.
The Fatal Flaw in Independent Film VODs
The business model and payment technology used by all VODs in the Independent Film Economy have a critical flaw that prevents independent filmmakers from monetizing their films effectively. Two years ago, I began re-educating myself in film distribution, aiming to solve profitability challenges for independent filmmakers. This journey revealed significant flaws in the independent film industry economy.
I interviewed numerous independent filmmakers, like Janet, who shared similar experiences. Janet's film saw its highest viewership in the first month of release, with commissions dropping significantly in subsequent months. This pattern is common across VOD platforms, where filmmakers' incomes plummet after the initial release.
The fatal flaw lies in the standard industry point-of-sale (POS) payment product, which fails to connect paying subscribers with the filmmakers who referred them. This lack of financial connection disincentivizes filmmakers from promoting the platform, reducing both subscriber growth and filmmaker income.
The Challenge of Monetizing Non-Mainstream and Short Films
Monetizing nuanced films that deviate from mainstream cinema is challenging, and monetizing short films is nearly impossible. Hollywood excels at promoting mainstream movies but often neglects niche markets. Independent films require direct promotion to specific sub-niches, a responsibility that falls on the filmmakers due to the industry's lack of marketing resources.
Short films, which constitute nearly 60% of independently produced films, face inherent time disadvantages in models prioritizing viewing time. This results in minimal financial returns on VOD platforms dedicated to streaming independent films.
Innovating Independence: The OPPRIMEtv Referral Link
Inspired by a high-school friend who promoted his music through DVDs, the OPPRIMEtv Referral Link was created for 21st-century independent filmmakers. This innovation empowers filmmakers to monetize their films assertively and effectively.
A Testimonial from Mike Rodriguez: "I created my 6-minute short film called 'A Fly on the Wall' and uploaded it to www.opprime.tv. Thirty days later, I received my first month's commission payment of $112.50. I have made $112.50 every month since, earning a total of $1,350.00 by Month #12."
How OPPRIMEtv Works for Filmmakers
The www.opprime.tv platform allows filmmakers to create a secure dashboard to upload and manage content. Each film is assigned a unique Referral Link, enabling filmmakers to crowd-fund directly from their network. This system empowers filmmakers to take control of their film's monetization, ensuring continuous income beyond the initial release.
Mike Rodriguez's Film Page for "A Fly on the Wall" on www.opprime.tv.

Creating a Personal Filmmaker Dashboard on OPPRIME.tv
My short film, "A Fly on the Wall," is hosted on my personal filmmaker dashboard on OPPRIME.tv. With just a click, I copied the Referral Link for my film, which is unique and live. You can find the link here:
By clicking this link, my fans can subscribe to OPPRIME.tv, granting them access to my film and a library of over 1,200 movies. Their subscriptions directly support my artistic vision, and I am incredibly grateful for their generosity.
What is the Referral Link?
The Referral Link is a gateway for your fans to subscribe to OPPRIME.tv. Through this link, they can use MC, Visa, Discover, or Amex to watch your film and our extensive library of award-winning independent films for just $5.00 per month. As a filmmaker, you receive your commission royalty splits directly via PayPal, Venmo, or Cash App.
Commission Royalties from Referral Link Transactions
When a subscriber pays $5.00 per month, the commission royalty splits are as follows:
$2.25 for you, the filmmaker
$2.25 for OPPRIME.tv
$0.50 for payment processing
Earning $1,350.00 Through a Simple Email Campaign
Mike Rodriguez, a filmmaker, shares his experience: "I compiled a list of friends, family, cast, and crew. I sent them an email asking for their support by subscribing to OPPRIME.tv. I emphasized that the majority of their subscription fee supports my filmmaking endeavors. For just $5.00 per month, they gain access to my film and a library of 1,200 award-winning independent films. This simple email campaign helped me earn $1,350.00 over a year."

Simple & Amazing – How the Math Works!
The monthly subscription fee is $5.00. A total of fifty friends, family, cast, crew and fans responded to Mike's email and subscribed in the first month. Mike's subscribed fans enjoyed the programming and maintained their subscription past the first year.
· 50 subscribers X $5.00 (monthly subscription fee) = $250.00 per month gross income.
· 50 subscribers X $2.25 (Mike’s split per transaction) = $112.50 (Mike earns per month).
· www.opprime.tv earns $2.25 per transaction/month = $112.50 per month
· The payment processor charges .50¢ for processing the payment per transaction.
In 12 months, Mike earned $1,350.00 ($112.50 per month X 12 Months) from "A Fly on the Wall," his 6-minute short film."
Note: The income earned from “A Fly on the Wall,” will be summed up with the income generated from all other films uploaded by Mike Rodriguez to www.opprime.tv. In addition, this income generated by subscriptions reached by his email campaigns, will be added to the income from subscribers reached through Mike’s social media posts.
The Referral Link Works on A Social Media Post
"I produced a 12-minute short documentary called "Terrorism Persists." OPPRIME.tv and I started promoting my film on our respective Twitter pages with the Referral Link prominently located on the post. After that, I didn't think anything of it.
I was shocked! After the first month, the commission payment PayPal'ed to me was $22.50. In the first month, the Twitter posts enticed a combined 10 people to click on the Referral Link to subscribe and see my film. In month #2, I became more aggressive on social media. A year from that date, my film attracted an average of 20 subscribers per month, and I made $540.00."
-- Emmett Haydell, Documentary Filmmaker.
Emmett Haydell's Social Media Post for Terrorism Persists on Twitter.

Continuous Royalties from Referral Links
The royalty payments from Referral Links persist throughout the subscription's duration. Either party can terminate the agreement at any time, regardless of whether the film is removed from the platform or the relationship between the parties is terminated. Even if a subscriber cancels their membership with OPPRIME.tv, the filmmaker continues to receive commissions from that Referral Link for the duration of each subscription.
Monthly Commission Payments and Email Notifications

Empowering Your Fanbase Growth via Email Engagement
Your monthly commission payments via PayPal or other digital wallets are facilitated through our referral link. Additionally, our referral link collects valuable email data from your fans, enabling you to receive comprehensive reports. These insights empower you to effectively manage and expand your fan base.
In a recent conversation with a Lionsgate VP, I gained valuable insight: “When faced with two films—one excellent and another outstanding—if the production company behind the excellent film boasts a substantial social media following and an extensive email database of tens of thousands of fans, we tend to lean towards the excellent film.
By Sal Framondi,
CEO/Founder, OPPRIME.tv
Producer, Black Filmmakers Matter
For independent filmmakers, distribution is a key factor in achieving success, and OPPRIME.tv offers a significant opportunity to showcase their films to a worldwide audience. By teaming up with OPPRIME.tv, independent filmmakers benefit from a dedicated distribution platform that emphasizes the promotion and visibility of their films. This partnership helps them reach a larger audience, earn significant revenue, form vital industry connections, enhance their reputation, and engage in social and cultural discourse. OPPRIME.tv supports independent filmmakers by providing the resources to share their unique stories, foster meaningful discussions, and make a lasting mark on the filmmaking landscape. With OPPRIME.tv as a distribution partner, independent filmmakers can navigate distribution challenges and capitalize on growth and success opportunities in the industry.
Video-on-Demand: www.opprime.tv
Visit our filmmaker resource page: www.opprimetv.co