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Your Movie's Thumbnail is Essential!


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You may have heard the phrase, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression!" A video thumbnail is your viewer’s first impression of your film. A great movie thumbnail can mean the difference between hundreds of views and just a few.

1. The opening thumbnail MUST BE enticing.

  • As they scroll through our library of films, the eye of the viewer is pulled to the opening thumbnails that pop. The viewer will be drawn to these films first, and these are the movies they will click on and watch.

  • We recommend that you use THE BEST movie still from your film.  If your opening thumbnail is unenticing, the viewer will assume the rest of the film is the same and move on.   

  • Attention to detail in creating an outstanding opening thumbnail also illustrates a high level of professionalism on the filmmaker's part - a first impression of the filmmaker's value that will remain with the viewer!

3. A good synopsis is another way of enticing viewers to your film. 

  • The synopsis SHOULD BE no longer than two easy-to-read sentences. 

  • Any spelling errors or weird combinations of capital and lower-case letters that look unprofessional in the synopsis and the “Video Information” section (Director, Assistant Director, Cast, Hair Makeup, etc.), may lead to rejection of the film.  

2. The image and the artwork of your opening thumbnail must be clear, visible, and conform to's page layout requirements. 

  •'s aspect ratio for opening thumbnails on its page layout is 1024px X 512px.  

  • Do not use the movie poster as your opening thumbnail if it doesn’t fit this aspect ratio.

4. Thumbnail and synopsis basis for rejecting films.

  • reserves the right to request from the filmmaker a higher-quality opening thumbnail or the editing of any text based on spelling errors or deviation from professional rules of grammar.

  • We may reject films.  If the film is rejected, in the rejection email to the filmmaker, we may ask that you resubmit your film again once all required changes are made. 

For Your Filmmaking, Could You Use Extra Money Per Month? is the only platform with the power to increase the profit for independent filmmakers. Let us prove it to you!


Go to our video-on-demand platform that streams award-winning independent films at


  1. Click "Join.”

  2. Create your filmmaker dashboard.

  3. Click the "Filmmaker Button”.

  4. Upload your movie to

  5. Once your film is approved, you are on your way to earning extra money. - We Honor the Independent Filmmaker.

We believe that there are stories that must be told. We believe that people with creativity, passion, and the ability to overcome adversity, must use their gift of storytelling to change the world.  We honor the Independent Filmmaker.

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